Sunday 9 November 2014



What is feeling good? 

A happy feeling, a feeling of contentment makes us feel good. It happens in our minds. We have to feed the mind to feel good.

In this blog I hope to focus on what affects within the body. What makes us feel good in the long run. To feel good, you have to think about your body, brain and mind.

It is obvious that we have to feed the mind with positiveness, such as knowledge, compassion, kindness, generosity etc. to feel good.

But what we eat too can "feed" the mind. Certain food with a high content of sugar, alcohol, junk food and so called comfort food, lead to depression and other types of emotional imbalances along with physical ill health.

Physical ill health certainly doesn't make one feel good.

Therefore, what we eat matters very much in how we feel. There are certain types of food that make you feel good.

Scientific research show that certain types of food do make you feel good as they help the body to function well.

Having a well balanced diet supports you physically as well as mentally.

What are the main types of food?

1. fruits

2. vegetables

3. proteins

4. dairy produce

5. grain

 I will look at each type separately, as this is a vast area; my first is fruit.

This is the best form of feel good food for many. What more, you don’t need to cook!

Best is to eat it fresh rather than out of a can or a packet. Canned and packeted fruit have preservatives, mainly sugar, which is not healthy taken regularly, even in small quantities.

Why is eating fruit is good?

They don't have cholesterol

low in fat and sodium

high in vitamin C and folic acid

high in fibre (fruit juices have hardly any fibre)

good content of trace elements like potassium and zinc

Fruits give many health benefits: may reduce heart diseases, chances of getting cancer, diabetes, obesity and blood pressure.

A combination of fruit must be consumed for maximum benefit.

There are different types of fruit: citrus, berries, stone fruits, and so much more. As it is a vast area in itself, I will focus only on citrus fruits in the blog post.

Citrus Fruits

Low in carbohydrates and high in vitamin C, the citrus fruit give many health benefits.

We all know that they are rich in vitamin C which is beneficial to general health; it keeps the flu away or reduces the chances of getting it often.  Also, vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is a powerful anti-oxidant, which protects the body from harmful free radicals maintaining good health. It loses its effectiveness when juice is extracted due to temperature and oxygen; so its best eaten fresh.

Not only are they delicious and refreshing, they are rich in flavonoids which have anticancer properties. Citrus flavonoids have the property to inhibit the growth of cancer cells and prevent it from spreading. Citrus may reduce the risk of developing a range of cancer.

Protect the inside of artery walls and may reduce heart disease and damage by cholesterol. Scientific studies have shown that eating fresh citrus may reduce the risk of getting a stroke in women.

Its high content of folic acid is good during pregnancy.

Helps maintain brain function, and healthy bones with its richness in antioxidants.

Citrus fruit is rich in potassium, which is essential for nerve functions, heart contraction and to assist metabolism of carbohydrates.

Its high fibre content helps digestion and bowel movements.

Citrus is good as a daily energy boost with its natural sweetness.

There is a variety of citrus all over the world; orange and lemon are the most common and well known throughout the world. Lime, grapefruit and mandarin are popular in the tropics.


Scientific research have shown that orange has the ability to reduce the chances of heart attacks and strokes and improve general heart health. Apart from the benefits mentioned above, there are many other benefits to the human body provided by oranges.

Many health benefits from orange
It has the ability to prevent childhood leukaemia and its high content of vitamin C protects the cells from harmful free radicals, thus preventing the chances of getting cancer.

D-limonene present in oranges may have the ability to prevent various types of cancer such as breast, lung and skin cancers. 

Oranges are rich not only in vitamin C but in vitamin A as well and potassium. This combination of elements, are excellent for maintaining your eyesight.

Its high content of fibre and low content of sugar with its high glycaemic index (GI) is a good way to prevent diabetes and good for diabetic patients.

It is known for its benefits of having a good skin; guards the skin against the damage from the sun and pollution; as vitamin C is vital for formation of collagen, it is good to have orange to improve the texture of the skin.  

Consumed too much, oranges have its health risks on you.

i) Eating too many would increase calorie intake.

ii) If you have heartburn, the acidity in orange may make it worse.

iii) Too many oranges may cause diarrhoea and abdominal pain.

So all in all, eat it regularly in moderation, then you have much to gain than lose.

Various health benefits

The most common remedy of lemon is to cool the body when one is having fever. Its cooling effect is refreshing. 

In addition it improves dental and gum health; washing the mouth with lemon water improves the state of the gums.

It is used as a remedy for dandruff; lemon juice is applied to the scalp direct is a good remedy for dandruff and also gives a shine to the hair.

It has antiseptic coagulant properties which helps blood clotting from wounds, thereby preventing loss of blood. 

Lemon is known for its capability in reducing respiratory problems as it is rich in vitamin C.

Scientific studies have shown that lemon polyphenols have the ability to suppress weight gain and body fat accumulation thus reducing obesity.

Its nutrients make it a good source for many health benefits such as maintaining heart health, treating obesity, asthma, scurvy, which is due to lack of vitamin C, and many other ailments.

Lemon included in normal dietary amounts brings more benefits; having it in larger amounts is harmful to the body-it won't make you feel good.

Drinking lemon water has many health benefits, however, consuming too much of it causes health issues. Therefore, consult your doctor before drinking lemon water for medical reasons.

What are the harmful effects of lemon when consumed in large amounts?

i) May cause enamel erosion of the teeth resulting in discolouration, cavities and decay.

ii) Acid reflux could become more, if you already have heartburn.

iii) Reduce effectiveness of chloroquine which is a drug given to treat malaria.

7 Benefits of mandarin

Mandarin has pretty much the same nutrients as other citrus and therefore, the same benefits.

Mandarin is a good source for vitamin B apart from vitamins A and C. It is also rich in calcium, potassium and iron thus making mandarin a source for many health benefits.

Vitamin A in mandarin is shown to have an effect on reducing liver cancer. Its presence of limonene has shown to reduce breast cancer.

The anti-oxidants in vitamin C, not only fight the free radicals but also improves the condition of the skin, applied topically.

Free radicals, oxidise with cholesterol that results in a substance which deposits in the arterial wall thus forming plaques; these in the end cause many heart diseases. Anti-oxidants in the mandarin react with the free radicals and neutralise their activity  thereby promoting good cardiovascular health.

What are limes good for?

This fruit is popular though out Asia, especially in South Asia. It is used in daily cooking and use its juice as a remedy for many ailments. It has all the properties mention before but it is particularly good for certain types of health conditions.

It is particularly used as a treatment for acne and skin blemishes; rub the skin with the skin regularly and you will notice that your skin looking healthier.

Its generous amount of vitamin C makes it a good treatment for colds and diarrhoea.

Lime juice is also used for remedying digestive disorders and for improvement of bowel movements. Its flavonoids are particularly good for curing stomach ulcers.

It maintains healthy bones and teeth, improves eye sight and just like other citrus fruits mentioned above, boosts the health of the cell.

Kaempferol, which is a flavonoid found in lime is used in treatment as an anti-congestive substance for relief in respiratory problems and inhibition of cancer cells.

The anti-oxidant property of lime is used for the treatment of gout.

Lime has a high content of potassium, which is effective in removing toxic precipitations in the kidneys and the bladder.

Lime is also known for its disinfectant properties. Therefore, it is used as a remedy for curing infections in the urinary system as well as to clear blockage of urine due to calcium deposits in the urinary tract.

The health risks involved due to consuming more than dietary requirements of lime, is similar to that of lemon. 

Delicious grapefruit

Grapefruit as in other citrus fruits, has a high content of vitamin C and fibre. The effect of grapefruit is almost similar to others in the family. It is rich in pectin which brings the cholesterol levels down by reabsorbing it in the colon.

It is high in flavonoids called naringenin and naringin. Scientific research shows that naringenin has the ability to reduce hepatitis C virus production by infected liver cells in cultures.

Naringin is typical to grapefruit and that is the one that gives the bitterness to grapefruit. It is an anti-oxidant and is used in treatment for cancer and lowering cholesterol.

The red variety in particular, is rich in lycopene which is an anti-oxidant. Studies have shown that lycopene provides protection to the skin from damaging UV-rays and prostate cancer.

Research show that grapefruit reacts with many medicines and taken without a doctor's advice will have drastic effects on the health. It reacts with certain cholesterol-lowering drugs which results in danger to arteries.

There are so many other types of citrus such as tangerine, tangelo, cumquat etc. These too are rich in vitamin C and have many trace elements that are essential for maintaining good health.

Ways to use citrus as food

5 immune-boosting citrus recipes
5 immune-boosting citrus recipes:

2. Whole-wheat grapefruit bran biscotti

3. Fresh trout and grapefruit segments

4. Hearty Lentil Orange Soup

5. Roasted Sweet Potato and Grapefruit Salad

My favourite: Lemon Yogurt Cupcakes

get the recipe here
Maintaining physical health is essential to feel good. For your brain to function well and to keep your mind happy and well, physical health is a primary requirement and with citrus fruit, it is a good place to start.

Let us know about how you feel.

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